About The Proposal
Ironstone Developments is seeking to develop a new hard rock quarry called Deep Creek Quarry, located off The Bucketts Way north of Limeburners Creek in New South Wales.
Since 2020, consultation has been underway to gather ideas, issues & concerns about the proposed development. If approved, the quarry will produce up to 500,000 tonnes per annum of hard rock products & will be a source of quarry materials such as road base, high grip aggregates and decorative products.
Online community information sessions were held to seek community feedback on the proposal, which includes:
The quarry will service local construction and landscape industries, predominantly across the Hunter, Mid-Coast and Central Coast regions, and further afield for high grip and decorative materials. The proposal is considered a State Significant Development (SSD) due to the amount of resource to be extracted over the life of the quarry.
As a result, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared to support the Deep Creek Quarry development application for assessment by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), the EIS must consider and investigate potential issues and impacts, as well as opportunities that may result from the development. This includes potential impacts to water and ecology, noise, dust and traffic, and economic opportunities such as the creation of new jobs, the use of local suppliers and new infrastructure.
The proposed quarry is located off Deep Creek Road, Limeburners Creek.
The site is approximately 10km northeast of Clarence Town and 11km northwest of Karuah, within the Mid-Coast Local Government Area (LGA). Access to the site would be from The Bucketts Way via a new private haul road with a new intersection on The Bucketts Way.
Online Presentation
Watch the presentation from the online information session.
Take a look at our downloads.
Environmental Impact Statement
The EIS assesses the potential environmental and community impacts of the proposal, as well as the opportunities.
To inform the EIS, expert consultants were engaged to complete a full range of studies, including:
- Groundwater and surface water
- Aboriginal heritage
- Ecology (threatened flora, fauna and vegetation surveys)
- Air quality
- Soils and rehabilitation
- Noise
- Traffic
- Social impact
- Visual impact
The development application and EIS have been submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for assessment.
EIS Exhibition
Deep Creek Quarry:
The State Significant Development (SSD) application, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and other accompanying documents were exhibited from Friday 19 November 2021 until Friday 17 December 2021 and the information is on the Department’s website.
Follow the link for more information.